All USBC certified Nikkei bowling leagues in Southern California are eligible for SCNBA membership if the league as a whole contains a minimum of 2/3 Japanese ancestry (including substitutes) and current SCNBA members (minimum 21 games).


  1. Those persons with at least 25% Japanese ancestry. (If current last name is not Japanese, the Japanese surname of parent/grandparent must be provided).
  2. Those persons of non-Japanese ancestry currently married to an individual with at least 25% Japanese ancestry.
  3. Those persons of non-Japanese ancestry with a parent* that is at least 25% Japanese ancestry. *Child must be natural, legally adopted or step.
  4. Those persons of non-Japanese ancestry who meet the following requirements:
    1. Must have bowled a minimum of 67% of the regular league games in a qualified “Nikkei” bowling league for two (2) consecutive winter seasons immediately preceding application for membership, and
    2. Must be currently bowling in a Nikkei bowling league as a regular league member with 21 games or more.
      1. Eligibility is not effective until 50% of the current winter total league games as a regular league member are met, at which time they can apply for membership the following year.
      2. Membership re-establishment can be obtained once the bowler has at least 50% of the current season’s games as a regular league member.
  5. Non-Japanese card-holders whose Japanese spouse is deceased remains eligible until remarried to a non-Japanese.


The term “NIKKEI” bowling league refers to a USBC certified league having not less than 67% of its league members including substitutes being at least 25% Japanese family ancestry and non-Japanese actively belonging to the SCNBA (all bowlers minimum 21 games). If a league falls below 67% at the end of the winter season, the non-Japanese bowlers shall not be eligible for membership for the upcoming winter season.  The percentage is changing to 60% starting in the 2024-25 season.

All SCNBA members must be in good standing with the USBC and must meet the eligibility criteria as outlined in the SCNBA By-Laws.

An individual may be expelled from membership for the following items:

  • Failure to abide by the rules, regulations and decisions of the SCNBA Board of Directors
  • Failure to abide by the rules and regulations of the USBC

NOTE:  Membership renewal for a non-Japanese NBA member can be re-established by currently bowling half (1/2) of the winter season games as a regular member to date.

An annual membership fee is required for joining the SCNBA.  Applications shall be distributed to all eligible NBA leagues before the start of the new winter season. It is the league secretary’s responsibility to give application forms to all eligible participants.  All fees and paperwork are due to the SCNBA Secretary by the 4th week of league. 

Nikkei League secretaries are required to submit to the SCNBA the following items:

  1. Copy of the league standing sheet
  2. Copy of the league rules
  3. Completed Nikkei League Contact Form
  4. SCNBA application forms with fees paid in full

$0.75    Membership verification
$4.00    General fund
$0.25    Youth Scholarship Award

Let’s Go Bowling!