Yuk Hino joined the Pasadena Nisei league in 1956 and has been their Secretary/Treasurer since 1960. In 2004, Yuk was inducted in the LABA Hall of Fame and the league was then renamed the”Yuk Hino Pasadena Nisei League”. The league started as Aris Ayes at Pasadena Bowling Center with 12 teams of five in 1949. The league moved to Eagle Rock Lanes in 1960 and changed the name to Pasadena Nisei Mixed. They started with 14 teams of fives. By 1980, the league grew to 34 teams of fives. In 1987 Eagle Rock closed to become a post office so the league moved again to Little Tokyo Bowl with 38 teams of fours. In 1992 they also closed and the league made their last move to AMF Beverly Lanes with 32 teams of fours. In 2004, the league had 18 teams of fours remaining with bowlers Robert Kikkawa and Bobby Matsumoto as the last charter members remaining. Sadly on July 31, 2011, Yuk passed away after an accidental fall the week prior. The league eventually closed in 2012.